National criticises Lake Alice deal | The National Business Review

Minister of Health Pete Hodgson needs to explain the decision to withhold one-third of the compensation awarded to former patients of the Lake Alice mental hospital, says National party health spokesman Jonathan Coleman.

Source: National criticises Lake Alice deal | The National Business Review

Dr. Daniel Fisher on ECT | Psych Central

Dr. Daniel Fisher presented to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Neurological Devices Panel examining the reclassification of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) devices on January 27, 2011. These are his remarks as published in the public record of the meeting. I represent a national mental health consumer organization, to answer an earlier question, the National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery, which represents millions of mental health consumers. I do not have any financial relationship with the manufacturers of ECT devices. I base my testimony on my practice as a board certified psychiatrist, my neurochemical research at National Institute of Mental Health, and my 19 years of directing a federally funded technical assistance center, the National Empowerment Center. I’m appalled that the FDA is considering downgrading ECT devices from Class III to Class II, the same classification as a wheelchair. In my expert opinion, and that of a recent review of ECT literature by Drs. Reed

Source: Dr. Daniel Fisher on ECT | Psych Central

Disabled Boy ‘Tortured’ With 31 Electric Shocks at Treatment Center – YouTube

this is also as close as i can get to how we where treated in Lake Alice Hospital New Zealand most of us where not mentally ill just no room in other facilities for wards of the state we went in as normal children and came out with PTSD

we took our case to the UN and they ruled in our favour and still the govt refuse to take responsibility and give us access to rehab and compo for the torture and sexual abuse